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Graphics software – the tricks of the trade

It is truly said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Remember the comics you read during childhood times. Pictures aptly described the scenes. Such was the picturesque effect that it all seemed so lively and that made comics worth reading. Those days are gone but, the same is now available...

Why Software Outsourcing?

You can make loads of money through software outsourcing. It is a common misconception that outsourcing is a temporary affair when the services can be hired to make the necessary fixes and later the services are terminated. On the contrary, it is a long term way of earning money. In the software...

Software Jobs: Scope

A person’s ability, skills, talent etc define his job. The foremost thing to look for while choosing a job is your satisfaction and then the pay package. Higher the pay better is the work quality. People expect better skills, quality and focus from you on a higher pay scale. Generally software...

Software Development: An Overview

Developing good quality software applications/programs is what softwaredevelopment is all about. It is an art that involves a series of processes which ultimately perfects the software. The end result is a time saving, fool-proof, error-free product. Software development requires expertise and a...

Software Consultants: Setting Things Right

Software Consultants carry out the assessment of business process and their functionality and provide recommendations or feedbacks that help uplift the quality of software. The consultants are either self-employed or part of a main frame company. They are generally hired on a contract or project...